Aftercare & Healing
Micropigmentation, also called Cosmetic Tattooing or Permanent Makeup, is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of a tiny, sterile, disposable needle or hand held tool with a blade to produce the appearance of cosmetic makeup.
Permanent Makeup Aftercare
For the first 3 - 6 days, the color intensity of your procedure will be significantly darker, as well as larger and sharper than what is expected for the final outcome. Although the area will appear healed after 10 days, it will not be fully healed for 4-6 weeks (8 weeks for lips) to reveal the actual color, this is based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.
One procedure cannot guarantee desired outcome. In some cases, we need to see how our clients react to the pigment and review the healing process after the first procedure. Therefore, we offer one free touch-up visit within 3 months of the first procedure. In very complicated cases (involving removal/color correction/camouflage/scar tissue/iron disorder) an extra charge may apply on extra touch-ups.
DO NOT Exercise for one week. Sweating can push the pigment out of the skin and cause undesired results.
Avoid soaps/facial cleansers on pigmented areas (wash around them), pat dry with a clean towel.
Do not directly shower the treated area or allow area to get or stay wet.
DO NOT rub, scratch or pick any crust along the tattooed area. Early removal of pigment crusts may result in lost color.
DO NOT apply makeup on the pigmented area during the healing process. (10-14 days)
Avoid swimming, soaking, steam bath and facials for the 1st week.
Avoid applying Exfoliates or AHA/glycolic acid products to the tattooed area for at least 2 weeks.
Avoid sun exposure (including tanning beds) during healing process.
More for Eyeliners
Do not use mascara or eye shadow for the first 10 days. Do not disturb the lash roots.
Eyelid will be puffy and swollen for the first few days, to reduce swelling: Ice several times daily (approx 10 min.) over the first 3 days to minimize swelling. Before putting on ice bag, place plastic wrap on your eye area.
More for Lips
If you have EVER had cold sores/fever blisters/herpes you MUST obtain prescription ZOVIROX/VALTREX from your doctor. Start prescription 3 days prior and continue 4 days’ post procedure. Failure to pre-medicate may result in an outbreak which will compromise your results.
The lips will look very intense and may become swollen for 2-3 days. Usually the scab will peel off in about 3 days. During this time the color will look quite pale, only the lip line will show a light color. Be patient until the skin matures (about one month), at this point you will see a more natural result.
Use clean Q-tips to apply Antibiotic Ointment (Bacitracin) 3 times daily for 3 days (If you have allergic reaction to Bacitracin, i.e. redness, rash and swelling, stop using it and see your doctor immediately.)
Use straw to drink for the first a few days. Avoid eating spicy and salty food to touch your lips for 2-3 weeks.
Long term care – For all Procedures
Use a good sunscreen daily on tattooed area(s) otherwise the color will fade faster.
Our pigment is iron-oxide based which your body slowly absorbs, the color will fade over time. You may desire touch-ups every 1- 3 years.
If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please tell the technician that you have an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo.
If you are planning to have laser treatment, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area. Laser may cause pigment to darken.
Your permanent makeup will appear darker and bigger than expected for the first 10 days. This will gradually lighten over the course of the week or u til the scabbing sloughs off.
Eyeliner: Expect that your eyes will be swollen for up to 3 days (like how you would look after crying). Some careful maintenance is required to make the swelling go down faster.
Eyebrows: Your eyebrows will appear thicker and much darker for up to 10 days post procedure until any scab peels off. The area may also be reddish and tender, so be gentle with your skin during the healing process and keep applying the aftercare product provided and follow the instructions provided diligently.
Lips: Your lips will look very intense as well as become swollen for 2-4 days, depending on the individual. Usually the scab will peel off after 4-6 days. During this time, the color will look quite pale, only the lip line will show a light color. Be patient at this time until the skin matures which will take about 1-2 months until you can see a more natural result.